About the Project
Study Area
Project Background

Running east-west, Highway 20 is a four to six lane state highway that acts as one of the primary vehicular corridors in Yuba City.  The corridor is not visually appealing to motorized and pedestrian users and it lacks a sense of identity.

Master Plan Purpose

Analyze existing physical conditions of the Highway 20 corridor and develop a vision and master plan for Gateway and Streetscape improvements.  The master plan aims to create a corridor identity that enhances the experience for all its users, while maintain the existing vehicular capacity.

Project Goals

Provide complete streetscapes that are safe, visible, and accessible.  Enhance vehicle and pedestrian circulation while balancing the needs of the commercial corridor.  Create an identity for the corridor with appealing landscape and hardscape elements that facilitate development and promote safe and local use.
Project Area

This project focuses on the east side of Highway 20 corridor from the Highway 99 intersection to the Feather River (10th St.) Bridge. The study area is about 1.3 miles long and targets the four corners at Highway 99 and Highway 20 intersection.

Who is involved? 

Yuba City Residents
Business Owners and Merchants
Public Works
Economic Development
Planning Commission
City Council
Caltrans District 3
Fire and Police